Red Star Express wins Africa Award and raises brand equity
Red Star Express Plc, a high-profile logistics company has further raised its brand profile with its latest recognition as the “Winner of Africa’s Most Valuable Freight and Logistics Brand of the Year 2023” by The African Brands.
The Logistics Brand of the Year award recognizes companies that have demonstrated outstanding performance, innovation, and customer satisfaction in the courier and logistics industry.
Red Star Express CEO, Auwalu Babura said the company has always been at the forefront of technological advancements in the logistics industry.
“By leveraging cutting-edge technology, we have streamlined our operations, improved tracking capabilities, and enhanced the overall customer experience. We have embraced innovation to meet the evolving demands of the market.”
“We understand that each package holds value and importance to our customers, and we go the extra mile to ensure a seamless experience. We remain committed to providing unparalleled services, embracing innovation, and adapting to the ever-changing logistics landscape.”
Red Star and public relations
Red Star has used public relations as one of its key differentiators in creating a robust brand image. Here are 4 Red Star PR tactics:
Strategic media outreach
The courier company has actively engaged in media outreach to build its brand profile. They have proactively reached out to industry publications, news outlets, and relevant online platforms to share their success stories, innovations, and contributions to the logistics sector.
Thought Leadership
Red Star has positioned itself as a thought leader in the logistics field by sharing valuable insights and expertise through various channels. They have highlighted industry challenges, trends, and best practices.
Strategic partnerships
The company has strategically partnered with industry other industry leaders and relevant trade associations to forge new initiatives and services.
Community engagement
Red Star has actively participated in community engagement initiatives to raise its brand profile and o corporate social responsibility standing.